Emission Master® Software

Basic Description and Application

Calculate HAP or VOC vent emissions from batch and continuous processes using computerized EPA equations in a process modeling environment. Available MACT models include filling, purging, heating, vacuum, depressurization, gas evolution, solids drying and storage tank. Interactive chemical databases enable one to model multi-phase liquid mixtures. Emission Master supports several vapor pressure models including Antoine, Clapeyron and Riedel equations. Equation coefficients may be calculated from experimental or referenced vapor pressure data for many of the models.

Our calculation platforms help the user rapidly model chemical processes using the latest US EPA equations and techniques in EIIP Guidance Document “Methods for Estimating Air Emissions from Chemical Manufacturing Facilities ” (Chapter 16). We are fully committed to the high quality of our software and the long-term success of our customers.

Emission Master’s foundation is built from mathematical models which allow the program to correctly calculate emissions produced through different phases of a batch process.  A partial list of process models includes: Empty Vessel Purge, Vacuum Operation, Solids Drying, Holding, Filling, Purging, Heating, Combustion, Factor Based, Depressurization, Gas Evolution, Reaction and Fixed Roof Storage Tanks.


Tank Farm data import from Excel, Control Device Abnormality Report, Vent Path Changer, Gantt View, Vessel Inspector and many others.


Emission Master supplies the user with a selection of databases. Our Chemical Database contains 117 commonly used compounds and is readily expanded by the user.  Other databases include: Equipment Database, Inert Gas Database, Reaction Gases Database, Process Database and the Classifications Database.

Recently Added Features

Tank Farm

Storage tank data including normal solvent and waste solvent storage operations may be entered into Excel.  The data should include Start Date, End Date, Solvent Name, Transfer Volume and Normal Daily Contents Volume (in % of tank capacity) for each Storage Tank Vessel to be modeled.  Emission Master then reads the data from the Excel file to create a complete storage tank process model. The resulting Emission Master file can later be imported into Emissions Accountant for emissions tracking and reporting purposes. 

Vessel Inspector Window

It can become challenging to remember the contents of each process vessel when one is modeling complex processes that require several vessels and many activities.  The Vessel Inspector Window was developed to quickly provide a graphical picture of the contents of all vessels in process.  The contents of each vessel is shown in vertical rectangular boxes to represent the different compounds and in horizontal boxes to represent the different phases (aqueous, non-aqueous or solids) that might be in the vessel. Selecting different activities in the process will cause the Vessel Inspector Window to display only the vessel contents at the selected activity. Double clicking on the content’s graphics will cause a second window to appear to display much more information.

Reaction Model

The Reaction Module enables the user to change the composition of a mixture through a reaction, extraction, precipitation or other process phenomenon. Reactant compounds are removed from the batch as chemical products are generated.   The stoichiometry for the reaction may be specified by the user. 

Vent Path Database

The Vent Path Database enables one to store frequently used vent path configurations including vessel, control devices and vent ID (or EPN).  Each vessel can have as many unique vent paths as are needed by the process. 

Control Device Analysis

The Control Device Malfunction Abnormality Report is a powerful new utility which can analyze one or more processes that are were running when a common control device experienced an outage. Emission Master creates a comprehensive report regarding the emissions that were released to the atmosphere during the outage period.

From Emission Master, the user selects the Emission Master processes that were operating in the factory during the outage. Once all the affected processes have been selected and the steps highlighted, Emission Master runs the complete emissions analysis and shows the emissions that would have occurred had the control device been operating normally and with the control device down and the difference between the two.


  1. The Standard Emission Summary Report Includes a title page, one emission data sheet for each model used and a final emission summary page for the complete operation.
  2. The Extended Emission Report Contains complete emission data between equipment and control devices as well as the data provided in the Standard Report.
  3. The Compound Category Report Calculated emissions data is listed by the compound specific category tags such as VOC, HAP, EVOS, or ACID GAS.
  4. The Calculation Detail Report provides extensive detailed information regarding the underlying equations that were involved in the calculations.   This extensive report can be used for regulatory and permit application reporting purposes. 


Operates on any Windows® 10 computer with MS Office.


For information on purchasing or leasing this software, call 908-654-9779.

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