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Control Device Exception Analysis


       Suppose a control device (thermal oxidizer, carbon unit, or condenser) that is common to several processes were to experience a temporary outage while several processes were actively operating in the factory.  One immediate task might be to analysis the processes that were operating to determine what the emissions might have been during the time that the control device was not in operation.  The Control Device Exception Analysis has been developed to meet this objective. 


Using the Control Device Exception Analysis tool, the user selects the processes along with the specific process steps that were in operation.  Once the processes have been  chosen and reviewed then the user selects the control device of interest and activates the analysis to begin.  Emission Master will re simulate each process with the control device in operation and then with the control device not in operation.  The analysis is completed and the emissions for each process are displayed in an Excel output.  One column shows what the emissions would be if the control device operated normally, a second column shows what the emissions would be if the control device was not in operation, and a third column present the emission difference between the normal operation case and the abnormal operation condition. 


The following animated web tutorial has been created to help illustrate the Control Device Exception Analysis Tool. 
