A combustion model is provided for calculating the emissions from fuel combustion operations. Once the Combustion model has been selected, a combustion device is chosen from the Equipment database, the duration of the combustion operation is entered, the quantity of fuel specified, and an emission factor is selected from the Factors database.
Fuel. The quantity of fuel may be specified in volume (CCF, MCF, MMCF, GAL, L), heating value (BTU, MBTU, MMBTU), or mass (LB, KG).
Duration. The length of time of the operation can be entered as hours or days.
Emission factors are specified in units that are consistent with the quantity of fuel that has been specified (LB/MMCF, LB/MCF, LB/SCF, or any units).
Once the new combustion model has been completed by the user then Emission Master will calculate the speciated emissions for the time period that has been specified. The completed model may be saved for later use and the calculated emissions may be easily exported in the Emissions Accountant database program from emissions inventory development and tracking.